Browsing "Baby"
What are Couple Exercises and Why do Them?
Couple Exercises are tools to strengthen your relationship. They consist of structured questions for couples and a structured way of discussing answers. Just as regular physical exercise benefits our body, marriage enrichment exercises benefit our marriage. Regular physical exercise benefits our […]
Dissolution FAQ
Q: What factors were considered in the decision to dissolve Better Marriages as a 501(c)3 nonprofit? A: The Board looked realistically at current and long-term trends within the organization: Declining membership Insufficient donations Lack of interest in Leadership Training Lack of interest […]
Dissolution of Better Marriages
The National Board of Directors of Association for Couples in Marriage Enrichment (ACME) dba Better Marriages have unanimously agreed that the time is right to pass the baton to a new generation of relationship programs and organizations who will carry […]
Better Marriages Prepares us for “In Sickness and in Death”
Huw Christopher, Pasadena, California My wife, Rachel, was diagnosed with breast cancer in April 2018. Having spent years nurturing and growing our relationship, we’d never quite considered that one day one of us would end up alone. When Rachel was diagnosed she […]
Annual Fall Giving Campaign
from Priscilla Hunt, Executive Director Today I read an interesting article about the revitalization of a rural town on the Missouri River in Kansas. This stuck out for me: “Valuable change happens when folks aren’t afraid of breaking out of old ways […]
How to reignite the sparks from your earliest days together
Are you like me? When I met Greg (the one-and-only love of my life) I had butterflies in my stomach! When we met (I was engaged to be married to another man 3 months later. . . ). I knew […]
Gratitude for our Life Together
by Huw Christopher, Better Marriages Emeritus Member Pasadena California A few days after the death of my wife, Rachel, I was reading a daily devotional which we had frequently shared together. On that particular day, the meditation from the Henri Nouwen Society […]
Post-Wedding To-Do’s: Tackling Employer-Provided Benefits
When you get married, so much of your lives join as one. Maybe your last name, where you live, and your finances but, this doesn’t just happen all at once. Each of these are things that will require a conversation […]
Common Relationship Obstacles and How to Overcome Them
Every relationship has its hardships and will run into problems from time to time. You’re both living busy lives, whether it's from being overworked, the stress that comes with raising a family, or dealing with a major life change. No […]
What is the Relationship Between Better Marriages and Close Companions
What's the relationship between Better Marriages and Close Companions? We're one big happy family with a common mission! Our legal name, the name under which we were founded as a 501(c)(3), is Association for Couples in Marriage Enrichment (ACME). In 2009, the […]
More Fun in Your Relationship: 6 Ways
guest post Introduction Here are 6 ways to have more fun in your relationship! Relationships are usually excellent during the initial honeymoon stage. However, once the newness wears off, it's not uncommon for some people to feel more like roommates than loving partners. […]