Annual Fall Giving Campaign | Uncategorized | Blog | Better Marriages | Educating Couples - Building Relationships

Annual Fall Giving Campaign

from Priscilla Hunt, Executive Director

Today I read an interesting article about the revitalization of a rural town on the Missouri River in Kansas. This stuck out for me:

“Valuable change happens when folks aren’t afraid of breaking out of old ways and embracing new ways.”

The article goes on to outline the rich history of Atchison, KS founded in 1855. This listing of accomplishments and historic significance was followed by:

“The town could probably coast on that history. But local leaders were determined to make it desirable for people to visit and settle.
It’s not enough to simply have a history. . . “

The article wasn’t simply a list of the town’s updates, changes, and transformation. There was also this:

“You need a heart to pump blood through the rest of the community.”

So, what’s my point? The Better Marriages National Board of Directors could just have easily said these things about Better Marriages. Change, courage, history, heart. . . these are topics we discuss openly and honestly. The Board is not afraid to lead the organization to take the steps necessary to fulfill our mission to strengthen couple relationships, increase intimacy, and enhance personal growth, mutual fulfillment, and family wellness.

The Board is, if you will, the “heart” of Better Marriages. This 23-member Board loves ACME/Better Marriages/Close Companions. Their love is the reason they’re making progressive decisions to move the organization forward. They’re the reason we’re not simply relying on our 50-year history of helping couples – they’re actively looking for and implementing ways to create a future.

The Board is committed to supporting couples – those currently involved and those yet to come. Here are some simple ways you can demonstrate your commitment to our future:

• Make a financial donation (more than 50% of our income comes from donations)
• Renew your membership and leader certification (this is our 2nd largest source of income)
• Enroll in a course or gift a course from the Online Relationship Academy –online, on-demand, available 24/7 (CloseCompanions.org/relationship-courses)

We unashamedly request that you demonstrate your commitment to our mission by choosing one or more of the three suggestions above. To donate, you can do so online HERE, call 800-634-8325 with credit card information, or mail a check to PO Box 21374, Winston-Salem NC 27120.

For those who make a donation, we’ll thank you for your generosityby sending you a coupon code to save 20% off any of our 18 courses in the Online Relationship Academy.

Thank you for your continued support and generosity!




Better Marriages is recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) and contributions are tax deductible. Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at 1-888-830-4989. The license is not an endorsement by the State.