It’s All Too Much: An Easy Plan for Living a Richer Life with Less Stuff | Learning | For Couples | Better Marriages | Educating Couples - Building Relationships

It’s All Too Much: An Easy Plan for Living a Richer Life with Less Stuff

too muchIt’s All Too Much: An Easy Plan for Living a Richer Life with Less Stuff

By Peter Walsh. Free Press (2007) 230 pages

Reviewed by: Nancy Wyatt Russell

The organizing shows on television are among my favorites so I could not resist when I saw that Peter Walsh, the professional organizer from TLC’s show, Clean Sweep, had written a book. Eagerly I picked it up, hoping to find the secret to a clean and organized home office (and kitchen and bedroom and…). Quickly I discovered that this wasn’t a book that just showed me how to put labels on pretty boxes but pushed me to look at the reasons behind the clutter. I realized that this might take some time and I would have some hard decisions to make – just like they do on the show.

I read the “Excuses, Excuses” chapter, identifying with “Excuse #2: It’s Too Important to Let Go.” The family heirloom in question is an eight-day clock – which has not worked in 30 years when I wound it too tightly. It sits on the floor of my home office, awaiting the day I find someone to fix it so that I may pass it along to a grandchild. Walsh is forcing me to ask myself just how important is that clock anyway? Do I really need to saddle a 5-year-old with an antique clock that no longer works? Walsh lays out a step-by-step plan for every room in the house. Charts help you determine a room’s function and zones determine where items are placed. Sometimes it is a simple matter of math: 20 DVD holders take one foot of space, 29 CDs in jewel cases take one foot of space. Math can be the guide. Reading through the home office chapter showed me that I could improve on the filing and that I didn’t need to keep every piece of paper. I am going to reorganize the bookshelf and gift Goodwill with many books, keeping only those very special ones. It’s All Too Much has shown me that I can better organize my home and make it an oasis.

I highly recommend this easy-to-read book, filled with stories of people who have made changes in their homes and lives. Now, on to read Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat?