Terry Heinlein | Leadership Team | Who We Are | Better Marriages | Educating Couples - Building Relationships

Terry Heinlein

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Ex-Officio Board Member

Terry Heinlein, Mableton, GA, serves as an Ex-Officio member of the Better Marriages National Board of Directors. He, along with his deceased wife, Roberta, were  certified Better Marriages Leaders and enjoyed serving on the National as well as Better Marriages Georgia Boards from 2007-2011 and 2013-2017. Terry served as an individual on the National Board from 2018-2021.

Terry served as Secretary and on the Executive Committee for many years, Chair of the Marketing Committee, and provided AV support for International Marriage Enrichment conferences in 2007, 2011, 2013, and 2015.

Terry was honored by the National Board of Directors in 2021 with the Distinguished Service Award for his far-reaching contributions to Better Marriages and Marriage Enrichment.

Terry is retired from working for state government as a trainer. With Roberta, Terry has 3 grown boys, 3 daughter-in-laws and 6 grandchildren. One claim to fame? A son and daughter-in-law who now serve on both the National and Georgia Boards!

Terry is re-married, to Grace, and has quickly introduced her to marriage enrichment.

  • Mableton, GA