Money! Money! Money! Money! | Exercises | Blog | Better Marriages | Educating Couples - Building Relationships

Money! Money! Money! Money!

Money can be a hot topic. But, in the words of the Beatles, “Money Can’t Buy Me Love.”

Explore these questions together as a way to understand each other more fully.

1. Whether you and your partner are alike or different in your attitudes about money, how is that a strength in your relationship?

2. Whether you and your partner are alike or different in your attitudes about money, how is that a challenge in your relationship?

3. I’d like to see us spend less money on _____________________________ and more money on _____________________________.

4. What might we do to develop our relationship in the area of finances and money?

5. What will we do in the next month to develop our relationship in the area of finances and money?

6. Share with your partner one thing about his/her attitude about money that you appreciate.